tutor-web use in SmileyLibraries in Africa

Graphical summary

Overview of tutor-web and SmileyCoin usage

For more information visit the EIAS Patreon page

Frequency of aced KCSE drillsets

Aced KCSE drillsets

                   Number aced
Library               0 1-20 21-35 36-50 >50old >50new Total
  ABCBurkina          1    0     0     0      0      0     1
  BilalLib           11    1     0     0      0      0    12
  BillianSoM         29   57    10     2      0      0    98
  Chelezo            10   16    27     2     16      1    72
  DandoraGirls       12   13    11     0      3      0    39
  Harvest             6   35    64    22    310      4   441
  Haven               4    0     4     0      5      0    13
  ICEVI               1    0     0     0      0      0     1
  KCRCLib             8   10    35     4     25      0    82
  Kakrigu            16   22     0     0      0      0    38
  KakumaAJGirls       1    0     0     0      0      0     1
  KakumaAdIYD2        2   16    13    10     30      1    72
  KakumaCL           12   32    67    31     48      3   193
  KakumaLTGirls      17   14     2     1      3      0    37
  KakumaOLGirls       4    0     0     0      0      0     4
  KakumaRW            4   25    80    44     34      7   194
  KakumaRWGirls      21   20    25     2      3      1    72
  KakumaYD            8   27    18     8     23      1    85
  KalobeyeiBHFGirls   7    0     0     0      0      0     7
  KangaruGirls        2    3     1     2     26      0    34
  KarugwaGirls       22    2     0     0      0      0    24
  KibirichiaGirls     6    4     5     2     36      9    62
  KimililiGirls       8   14     4     2      6      0    34
  KongoniLib         11   60    10     9     62      0   152
  Macumo              4   11     2     3      3      2    25
  MadoyaSoH           6   20    31     5      7      2    71
  MajengoSoH         11    8    24     0      4      0    47
  MashimoniSoH       38   79    24     4     58      1   204
  MathareMCE         22   72     3     0      0      0    97
  NLAFNakuru         62   27     0     0      0      0    89
  NyaheraGirls       16    3     0     0      1      0    20
  NyamogoGirls        8   29    10     3      8      1    59
  OlPejeta            2    2     0     0      0      0     4
  PICOCL             18    8     0     0      0      0    26
  RukiiraLib          5   15    13     1     10      3    47
  SOSBDar            12   16     4     0      1      0    33
  ShivangaLib        16   16     4     0      1      0    37
  SilverSpSoH         3    1    18     2     19      0    43
  StJohnsShinoyi     16    8     4     0      0      0    28
  Takawiri            1    0     0     0      0      0     1
  TakkOyugis          1    2     3    21     11      0    38
  TaniaCentre         4   69    36    11     37      0   157
  TemaRWGirls         4    0     3     0      0      1     8
  UshirikaGirls      26   32    11     0      2      0    71
  YusraSecondary      2    3     0     0      0      0     5
  knlsBuruburu        7    9     2     0      1      1    20
  knlsGarissa         4    7     0     0      1      0    12
  knlsKibera         12   57    37    18     11      1   136
  knlsMeru           12   22    14     8    101      2   159
  knlsMoyale         19  132    62    42    274      1   530
  Total             554 1019   681   259   1180     42  3735

Time development of KCSE drillsets

            Number aced
EndDate        0 1-20 21-35 36-50 >50old >50new Total
  2020-12-01   0    0     0     0      0      0     0
  2021-02-01   5   13     0     0      0      0    18
  2021-04-01  13   35     6     0      0      0    54
  2021-06-01  42  200   102    47     33      0   424
  2021-08-01  58  243   107    52     57      0   517
  2021-10-01  72  280   112    53     71      0   588
  2021-12-01  89  318   114    57    123      0   701
  2022-02-01  95  366   122    62    214      0   859
  2022-04-01 107  389   125    63    268      0   952
  2022-06-01 110  408   145    65    293      0  1021
  2022-08-01 129  422   150    69    329      0  1099
  2022-10-01 149  465   162    75    391      0  1242
  2022-12-01 177  496   184    87    445      0  1389
  2023-02-01 196  531   195    93    502      0  1517
  2023-04-01 238  566   212   104    532      0  1652
  2023-06-01 282  601   239   108    553      0  1783
  2023-08-01 320  653   273   126    571      0  1943
  2023-10-01 351  696   333   155    675      0  2210
  2023-12-01 388  767   388   179    844      0  2566
  2024-01-01 400  789   432   194    995      0  2810
  2024-02-01 423  825   465   204   1087      0  3004
  2024-03-01 452  858   506   216   1132      0  3164
  2024-04-01 502  913   568   230   1180      0  3393
  2024-05-01 554 1019   681   259   1180     41  3734

More numerical summaries

Tablet accounting:

                  #KCSE #n1M #sold #del avail
ABCBurkina            0    0     0    5     5
BilalLib              0    0     0   15    15
BillianSoM            0   18     7   15     8
Chelezo              17   36    16   35    19
DandoraGirls          3    3     0   20    20
Harvest             314  342   293  335    42
Haven                 5    8     8   25    17
ICEVI                 0    0     0    5     5
KCRCLib              25   64    35   65    30
Kakrigu               0    0     0   15    15
KakumaAJGirls         0    0     0    0     0
KakumaAdIYD2         31   55    78   85     7
KakumaCL             51  153   145  155    10
KakumaLTGirls         3    9     5   20    15
KakumaOLGirls         0    0     0    5     5
KakumaRW             41  164   150  170    20
KakumaRWGirls         4   26     0   15    15
KakumaYD             24   67    71   85    14
KalobeyeiBHFGirls     0    0     0    5     5
KangaruGirls         26   29    23   45    22
KarugwaGirls          0    0     0    5     5
KibirichiaGirls      45   50    49   55     6
KimililiGirls         6    6     5   20    15
KongoniLib           62   74    73   85    12
Macumo                5   11     9   30    21
MadoyaSoH             9   50    15   55    40
MajengoSoH            4   34    10   40    30
MashimoniSoH         59   97   101  145    44
MathareMCE            0   39    36   65    29
NLAFNakuru            0    1     1   25    24
NyaheraGirls          1    1     2   20    18
NyamogoGirls          9   12    11   30    19
OlPejeta              0    0     0   10    10
PICOCL                0    0     0    5     5
RukiiraLib           13   37    23   40    17
SOSBDar               1    5     5   30    25
ShivangaLib           1    1     6   20    14
SilverSpSoH          19   36    12   40    28
StJohnsShinoyi        0    0    10   15     5
Takawiri              0    0     0    5     5
TakkOyugis           11   10    18   35    17
TaniaCentre          37   50     0   15    15
TemaRWGirls           1    3     2   10     8
UshirikaGirls         2   18     4   25    21
YusraSecondary        0    0     0    5     5
knlsBuruburu          2    2     1   10     9
knlsGarissa           1    1     0    5     5
knlsKibera           12   57    58   75    17
knlsMeru            103  123   144  160    16
knlsMoyale          275  323   423  435    12
Total              1222 2015  1849 2635   786

MSMLY: Total SmileyCoin earnings in the library (in millions of SMLY
#KCSE: Number of students who have aced the entire KCSE collection
#n1M: Number of students who have earned 1M SMLY
activated: Activated accounts (students who have accessed the tutor-web)
numQR: Number of QR codes allocated
'#sold': Number of tablets sold for 1M SMLY each
#acc: Number of accounts issued to the library
#avail: Number of tablets available within the library
unused: Number of accounts issued but not yet activated within the library
n1M%acc: Percentage of issued accounts which earned 1M SMLY

Students, accounts and SmileyCoin earnings:

                  activated #n1M #acc unused
ABCBurkina                2    0   25     23
BilalLib                 31    0   50     19
BillianSoM              151   18  200     49
Chelezo                  76   36   80      4
DandoraGirls             51    3  100     49
Harvest                 455  342  550     95
Haven                    17    8   25      8
ICEVI                     1    0   25     24
KCRCLib                  98   64  100      2
Kakrigu                  50    0   50      0
KakumaAJGirls             1    0   50     49
KakumaAdIYD2             75   55   75      0
KakumaCL                199  153  200      1
KakumaLTGirls            72    9  100     28
KakumaOLGirls            26    0   50     24
KakumaRW                200  164  200      0
KakumaRWGirls            92   26  100      8
KakumaYD                 98   67  100      2
KalobeyeiBHFGirls        17    0   50     33
KangaruGirls             42   29   75     33
KarugwaGirls             24    0   50     26
KibirichiaGirls          63   50  100     37
KimililiGirls            42    6   50      8
KongoniLib              159   74  174     15
Macumo                   25   11   25      0
MadoyaSoH                80   50   99     19
MajengoSoH               84   34  124     40
MashimoniSoH            324   97  362     38
MathareMCE              136   39  161     25
NLAFNakuru              123    1  125      2
NyaheraGirls            100    1  100      0
NyamogoGirls             67   12  100     33
OlPejeta                  4    0   50     46
PICOCL                   37    0   50     13
RukiiraLib               74   37   99     25
SOSBDar                  33    5   50     17
ShivangaLib              50    1   50      0
SilverSpSoH              44   36   50      6
StJohnsShinoyi           54    0  100     46
Takawiri                 84    0  100     16
TakkOyugis               44   10   50      6
TaniaCentre             159   50  188     29
TemaRWGirls              16    3   50     34
UshirikaGirls            95   18  100      5
YusraSecondary            8    0   50     42
knlsBuruburu             46    2   75     29
knlsGarissa              15    1   25     10
knlsKibera              142   57  198     56
knlsMeru                192  123  224     32
knlsMoyale              574  323  694    120
Total                  4652 2015 5878   1226

Frequency of aced KCPE drillsets

Aced KCPE drillsets by library

                   Number aced
Library               0 1-20 21-50 51-74 75-84 85+old 85+new Total
  BilalLib            6   19     0     0     0      0      0    25
  BillianSoM          1  120    22     5     1      0      0   149
  Chelezo             0   17    28    18     0      8      1    72
  DandoraGirls        0   25    12     1     0      0      0    38
  Harvest             7   78   214    30     1     67      5   402
  Haven               1    2     4     3     1      4      0    15
  ICEVI               1    0     0     0     0      0      0     1
  KCRCLib             1   15    23    18     5     31      1    94
  Kakrigu             0   23    22     2     3      0      0    50
  KakumaAdIYD2        0   10     6     6     4     43      1    70
  KakumaCL            3   32    26    31    25     61      7   185
  KakumaLTGirls       4   35    11     6     0      8      5    69
  KakumaOLGirls       0   25     0     0     0      0      0    25
  KakumaRW            2   20    43    33    22     73      7   200
  KakumaRWGirls       4   46    24    11     5      0      1    91
  KakumaYD            0   14    11     7     7     54      3    96
  KalobeyeiBHFGirls   5   11     0     0     0      0      0    16
  KangaruGirls        2    6     6     1     1     26      0    42
  KibirichiaGirls     0   11    11     6     5     21      3    57
  KimililiGirls       2   21    16     0     0      0      0    39
  KongoniLib         15   52    26     9     0      1      0   103
  Macumo              0    4     9     0     2      9      1    25
  MadoyaSoH           1    8    21    16     4     25      5    80
  MajengoSoH          1   38    34     9     2      0      0    84
  MashimoniSoH        2   66   121    40     8     62      9   308
  MathareMCE          5   36    21    15    11     14     14   116
  NLAFNakuru          3   94    22     1     0      2      1   123
  NyaheraGirls        0   67    23     4     1      1      0    96
  NyamogoGirls        1   31    18     4     2      9      1    66
  PICOCL              0   14     2     1     0      3      0    20
  RukiiraLib         11   16    11     8     2     15      7    70
  SOSBDar             0    4     3     0     1      0      0     8
  ShivangaLib         0   38     9     0     0      0      0    47
  SilverSpSoH         1    3    20     6     3      9      0    42
  StJohnsShinoyi      3    7     7     2     1      0      0    20
  Takawiri            1   78     4     1     0      0      0    84
  TakkOyugis          2    3    26     1     0      0      0    32
  TaniaCentre         0   71    85     0     0      0      0   156
  TemaRWGirls         0    4     1     3     0      0      0     8
  UshirikaGirls       0   51    21     3     2     16      1    94
  YusraSecondary      1    0     0     0     0      0      0     1
  knlsBuruburu        4   25     2     1     0      2      0    34
  knlsGarissa         3    0     1     1     0      0      0     5
  knlsKibera         10   37     7     6     2     11      0    73
  knlsMeru           16   29    15    20    17     82      3   182
  knlsMoyale         12  158   131    93    16     17      0   427
  Total             131 1464  1119   422   154    674     76  4040

Time development of aced KCPE drillsets

            Number aced
EndDate        0 1-20 21-50 51-74 75-84 85+old 85+new Total
  2020-12-01   0    0     0     0     0      0      0     0
  2021-02-01   2    5     0     0     0      0      0     7
  2021-04-01   6   25     6     0     0      0      0    37
  2021-06-01  22  157   141     0     0      0      0   320
  2021-08-01  24  173   176    22     0      0      0   395
  2021-10-01  27  188   196    73     1      0      0   485
  2021-12-01  39  239   230   100    18     42      0   668
  2022-02-01  45  270   275   120    26     48      0   784
  2022-04-01  48  302   289   130    34     64      0   867
  2022-06-01  53  377   312   140    37     77      0   996
  2022-08-01  54  395   322   144    41     93      0  1049
  2022-10-01  63  458   340   150    44    124      0  1179
  2022-12-01  72  524   362   156    45    142      0  1301
  2023-02-01  77  595   392   164    49    154      0  1431
  2023-04-01  80  618   405   169    51    164      0  1487
  2023-06-01  86  656   413   174    51    179      0  1559
  2023-08-01 104  697   445   183    57    198      0  1684
  2023-10-01 107  747   556   224    71    305      0  2010
  2023-12-01 111  839   699   258    90    414      0  2411
  2024-01-01 114  894   773   280   101    491      0  2653
  2024-02-01 118  942   819   304   109    564      0  2856
  2024-03-01 121  988   866   329   115    623      0  3042
  2024-04-01 126 1210   960   357   130    674      0  3457
  2024-05-01 131 1464  1119   422   154    674     76  4040

More summaries for SmileyLibraries in Africa

To date, the students in Kenyan libraries have studied and earned rewards as follows:

                  maxMSMLY maxNumAced maxKCPEaced maxKCSEaced maxNEAEAaced thismonthMSMLY
ABCBurkina            0.00          1           0           0            0           0.00
BilalLib              0.29         18          14           2            0           0.00
BillianSoM            2.35        224          81          43            0           4.82
Chelezo               4.19        483         170          51            7           9.49
DandoraGirls          1.84        123          55          51            0           0.48
Harvest               3.37        263         160          51            4          24.90
Haven                 2.92        274          85          51           18           0.78
ICEVI                 0.00          0           0           0            0           0.00
Kakrigu               0.97        136          81           9           11           5.41
KakumaAdIYD2          4.40        346         170          51           17           1.51
KakumaAJGirls         0.00          0           0           0            0           0.00
KakumaCL              4.10        300         170          51           18           8.90
KakumaLTGirls         1.78        155         147          51            1           3.26
KakumaOLGirls         0.06         12          12           0            0           0.24
KakumaRW              4.31        276         170          51           18           9.95
KakumaRWGirls         1.22        124          85          51            5          26.39
KakumaYD              4.30        435         170          51           18           2.10
KalobeyeiBHFGirls     0.03          7           5           0            0           0.03
KangaruGirls          3.02        219         144          51            0           0.00
KarugwaGirls          0.00          1           0           1            0           0.00
KCRCLib               3.86        412         112          51            5           3.33
KibirichiaGirls       3.08        283         170          51            2          14.00
KimililiGirls         1.32         82          38          51            0           2.36
knlsBuruburu          2.96        305         101          51            0           0.56
knlsGarissa           1.84        160          72          51            0           0.00
knlsKibera            7.70        335         146          51            3           0.05
knlsMeru              8.00        522         120          51            2           4.21
knlsMoyale            7.52        326          85          51            6           4.22
KongoniLib            2.24        181          87          51            3           0.97
Macumo                1.93        228          85          51            9           1.98
MadoyaSoH             3.61        292         170          51            0           3.12
MajengoSoH            4.25        213          82          51            0           0.04
MashimoniSoH          8.14        314         170          51            3           5.49
MathareMCE            2.53        326         170          28            7           2.41
NLAFNakuru            1.18        131         109           4            2           0.98
NyaheraGirls          1.63        153          92          51            9           8.62
NyamogoGirls          3.45        278         170          51            7           4.80
OlPejeta              0.00          1           0           1            0           0.00
PICOCL                0.81         95          85           8            1           0.78
RukiiraLib            6.39        354         170          51            2          10.71
ShivangaLib           1.49         89          49          51            0           2.97
SilverSpSoH           2.38        201          97          51            0           0.09
SOSBDar               1.14        134          83          51            0           0.00
StJohnsShinoyi        0.75        115          82          33            8           3.52
Takawiri              0.44         71          71           0            0           1.81
TakkOyugis            1.51        129          62          51            0           0.00
TaniaCentre           3.62        150          50          51            0           0.00
TemaRWGirls           1.48        114          71          51            6           0.53
UshirikaGirls         3.23        187         125          51            4           3.95
YusraSecondary        0.01          2           0           2            0           0.00

State of accounts in each library

Accounts are generated for SmileyLibraries and given to the SmileyGuide in each location. The SmileyGuide gives one and only one account to each student.

Some students complete their studies quickly and others take longer. This is normal

Some account are subject to abuse and these are simply deleted when discovered.

Also, sometimes students stop using their accounts. These dormant accounts are sometimes taken over by abusers, so accounts are marked 'inactive' ('frozen') if they have not been used for 6 months.

Column headings

activated: Accounts which have at some stage been activated (ie the student has logged in and answered one question)
deleted: Accounts identified as abusers and deleted
inactive: Accounts which have been frozen due to lack of activity during the past 6 months
active: Accounts which are currently active (have been used in the past 6 months)

                  activated deleted inactive active
ABCBurkina                2       0        2      0
BilalLib                 31       0       23      8
BillianSoM              151       0       95     56
Chelezo                  76       0       10     66
DandoraGirls             51       0        0     51
Harvest                 455       5       99    351
Haven                    17       0        0     17
ICEVI                     1       0        0      1
KCRCLib                  98       2       35     61
Kakrigu                  50       0        0     50
KakumaAJGirls             1       0        0      1
KakumaAdIYD2             75       0        5     70
KakumaCL                199       0       49    150
KakumaLTGirls            72       0        0     72
KakumaOLGirls            26       0        0     26
KakumaRW                200       0       14    186
KakumaRWGirls            92       0        0     92
KakumaYD                 98       0        0     98
KalobeyeiBHFGirls        17       0        0     17
KangaruGirls             42      17        0     25
KarugwaGirls             24       0       23      1
KibirichiaGirls          63       0        8     55
KimililiGirls            42       0        0     42
KongoniLib              159       0      111     48
Macumo                   25       0        0     25
MadoyaSoH                80       0       22     58
MajengoSoH               84       0       34     50
MashimoniSoH            324      28      257     39
MathareMCE              136       0       41     95
NLAFNakuru              123       0       10    113
NyaheraGirls            100       0        4     96
NyamogoGirls             67       0        1     66
OlPejeta                  4       0        0      4
PICOCL                   37       0        0     37
RukiiraLib               74       2       31     41
SOSBDar                  33       0       32      1
ShivangaLib              50       0       16     34
SilverSpSoH              44       4        6     34
StJohnsShinoyi           54       0       21     33
Takawiri                 84       0        0     84
TakkOyugis               44       0       17     27
TaniaCentre             159      49      110      0
TemaRWGirls              16       0        0     16
UshirikaGirls            95       0        0     95
YusraSecondary            8       0        8      0
hi.is                   655       0      499    156
knlsBuruburu             46       0       28     18
knlsGarissa              15       2       13      0
knlsKibera              142       5      130      7
knlsMeru                192     111       56     25
knlsMoyale              575      28      447    100
lbhi.is                 136       0       55     81
none                   2512    1509      700    303
Sum                    7956    1762     3012   3182